| On 4 years ago

Zimbabwe to host home games at Orlando Stadium

By Phakaaathi Reporter

Zifa’s decision comes after they were banned by CAF from hosting international matches due to the state of their pitch.

Zifa spokesman Xolisani Gwesela confirmed they earmarked Orlando Stadium as their home ground for their game against Algeria.

“We have started the process to get a stadium and a letter is being dispatched to the South African Football Association,” Gwesela was quoted by Daily Sun.

“The decision does not lie with us. Safa will advise what is available and then all logistics will be worked out from there,” the Zifa spokesperson added.

“A media tribune, for example, cannot be fixed in two weeks. Fixing it would mean dismantling the structure but other issues like doping rooms and internet connectivity can be done. Gates need automation, so really, it is unachievable in the short term,” he said.

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Read more on these topics: Orlando stadium