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Clampdown move on illegal dumping in Empangeni

‘The current fine for illegal dumping is R1 000

ILLEGAL dumping in Empangeni is becoming a growing concern for both residents and local councillors.

Residents are now called upon to report any illegal dumping outside of the designated landfill sites to the municipality.

Ward 23 Councillor Andre de Lange .

Carpenter Road on Tuesday after CTM Empangeni cleaned up the area, even though the company was not responsible for the illegal dumping

‘But residents should remember that the proof they have, be it photos or videos, may require them to submit this in a court of law. In my experience this deters many people from reporting these kinds of transgressions,’ ward 23 Councillor Andre de Lange said.

Meanwhile city spokesperson Mdu Ncalane told the ZO that perpetrators could face a hefty fine.

‘The current fines for illegal dumping are R1 000 and the person is expected to remove the waste dumped,’ he said.

ALSO READ: Empangeni masterplan falls by the wayside

Read full story in ZO Monday!

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