Become a pothole warrior
Send us your pothole pictures to help make our roads better and safer for all

The Zululand Observer is on a drive to rid the region of its worst potholes to ensure motorists are safe on our roads daily.
We need your help in locating the worst potholes in our region.
Send us your pothole photos via email to and we’ll add them to the list of offenders, or share them with us via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
Since the inception of ‘The Hole Truth’ call-to-action pothole campaign, a number have been filled in and repaired across the City of uMhlathuze, thanks to the community’s involvement.
But there are many more to be repaired, so the campaign doesn’t stop.
Send us your pothole pictures to help make our roads better and safer for all.
Like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter.
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WhatsApp – 060 784 2695
Instagram – zululand_observer