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Golf day saved

Durban Child and Youth Care Centre's annual golf day was saved by a keen golfer.

AMC Hunter saved the day on Friday when it encouraged golfers to support the Durban Child and Youth Care Centre’s annual golf day.

A lack of support forced the centre for the first time in 29 years, to cancel the golf day. However, keen golfer, Karien Hunter, who said she had been lookinhg forward to playing golf and not working, decided to still play on the day, in lieu of the Centre not losing its deposit at Royal Durban. Karien’s team organised another four ball to support the Centre and a good day of golf was had in glorious Durban weather on Friday.

“I’m so excited this has happened, and we are very grateful to Karien for saving the day!” said Thina Hlophe from Durban Child and Youth Care Centre.

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