
LETTERS – Dear Msukaligwa Municipality

A basic service delivery such as water is not accessible to our community, I do not think that is what our leaders anticipated, their loyalty has blindsided them, they cannot even say a word to protect their people because they do not want to lose their positions or jobs… Where is the conduct of Batho Pele?

Bro Ntosh writes:

Dear Msukaligwa Local Municipality,

As our custodian in service delivery and other services in our community, don’t you think it would be wise to inform the community of the challenges you are facing that prevent you from doing what is expected of you?

Sabotage is rife in that office, a dog is biting another one in that place.

Your internal issues are now spreading out uncontrollably and that makes your integrity questionable.

Now we see political matters affecting voters who trusted you with their votes. I do not think it’s fair.

A basic service delivery such as water is not accessible to our community, I do not think that is what our leaders anticipated, their loyalty has blindsided them, they cannot even say a word to protect their people because they do not want to lose their positions or jobs… Where is the conduct of Batho Pele?

Lastly, transparency is key. When you cannot excel, give way and allow a better candidate to come in and do so.

Remaining in a position and not being allowed to be yourself in that position, being remote-controlled… That don’t make you a good leader. Once they use you and dry you out, they will kick you out. Choose to be the best.

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