The mother of local comedy Kate Goliath answers our parenting questions

Kate Goliath, Managing Director of Goliath and Goliath took a quick break from her busy life of managing comedians and a comedy club to answer a few questions about her parenting experience as a mom

Being a mom is ….

an experience you can only make your own, its rewarding, fulfilling but it is also tiring at times. Being a mom has taught me patience to the highest degree, I have a phd in patience in fact

The last time I gagged because of my kid was when he/she …

stepped in some wet dog poo and proudly asked me to come and see his footprint on the bricks when he walked, I then had to wash it off!

The last time I cried as a mom…

my son ran and knocked his head and had to go for stitches, I cried inside to be strong for my other son as he was crying too.

My advice to other moms would be…

breathe, d’ont be too hard on yourself, keep reminding yourself that you are doing your best even when you feel like you could have done better. Most importantly DO NOT COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHER MOMS!!!!

My favourite part about being a mom is…

watching my boys grow and learn and seeing myself and their dad in them. They are so ridiculously happy everyday for the simplest things and it spills over and makes our house a warm fuzzy place.

The biggest challenge is…

being present all the time with all the distractions around.

My biggest mom guilt is…

when they ask me to stay home when I need to work at night.

My success as a parent is measured by…

how happy, healthy and balanced not only my kids are but also my relationship with their father and my husband is.

The most important affirmation I say to my children is…

love yourself so that you can love others, this includes respect and honesty always.

The most important behaviour/attitude I mirror for my son is…

kindness and understanding.

My work-life balance as a working mum is…

CRITICAL but involve mandatory date nights, binging old sitcoms like Seinfeld and The Office, and switching partially off at 5pm on weekdays – I don’t answer work related calls or emails between 5pm and 10pm unless urgent. My weekends are also my own as much as possible and I try as best I can to steer away  from working weekends especially during the day. Sometimes though, just going to watch comedy can be a good release  too so it sort of mixes work and life together 🙂

I hate when other moms…

judge what, how when, who and why you do things for  raising your child the way you want to.

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