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One year celebration for seniors’ social hub in White River

The hub is a new community centre established for seniors aged 65 and up as a social initiative for them to gather twice a month.

A festive celebration recently took place in this town.

The White River Care Buddies’ Social Hub turned one year old. The seniors were in high spirits at the party, many contributing to the heavily laden food table.

The day saw activities such as a games of Buddy Mingle Bingo and Can This Face Lie?, music and dancing to old-time favourites, and even a bit of karaoke.

The hub is a new community centre for seniors of 65+. It was launched in 2022 as a social initiative for which the older folk gather twice a month. Here the Buddies always ensure that there is something to eat, and fresh pancakes are always a big hit.

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The activities are different every time, and include things like educational talks, chair aerobics, crafting, skills development, entertainment or just socialising while knitting or playing bridge. Local outings are also arranged. Over the last year, these included visits to AmberMacs and the KMI Airport for some plane watching, coffee and cake.

The Care Buddies asked that should anyone want to add value to the hub’s get-togethers, they contact Issy de Lira on 072 322 7900 or info@wrcarebuddies.org.za. The hub is steadily growing, and the Care Buddies invite more seniors to join them at the NG Kerk Witrivier.


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