The secret to almost 73 years of bliss

The secret of Hannes and Babsie Smith’s marriage of nearly 73 years can surely be summarised in one word: togetherness. Everything they do and experience, they do and experience together. First, similar to two young horses pulling a wagon, they were full of energy, had lust for life and made plans, but now, like two horses who have pulled the same wagon together for decades, they simply move in unison and know each other’s thoughts.
Throughout their lives, they have done everything together. They serve the Lord together, have made sacrifices together, still laugh together – a lot, because they both have a wonderful sense of humour and are quick with a quip or a joke. And they cry together.
They have always spoilt each other and believe birthdays, anniversaries, Christmases and Valentine’s Days are there to be celebrated. Even though they cannot go out on excursions anymore due to their health, they have a myriad of memories to recall and relive.
Hannes and Babsie Smith.

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