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Pistorius trial breaks for lunch

The second day of Oscar Pistorius's murder trial broke for lunch on Tuesday, interrupting testimony from the second witness.

Estelle van der Merwe, who lives near Oscar Pistorius’s townhouse in the Silver Woods Country Estate in Pretoria, appeared nervous when she took the stand.

Prosecutor Gerrie Nel sought to reassure her, telling her to relax and take her time before he questioned her about voices she had heard from Pistorius’s home on two occasions, February 21 this year, and on February 13 to 14, 2013.

The State will try to prove that Pistorius committed premeditated murder when he shot and killed Reeva Steenkamp through a toilet door in his home on February 14 last year.

In addition, he is charged with premeditated murder, illegal possession of a firearm and ammunition, and recklessly discharging a firearm in public. Pistorius contends he mistook her for an intruder when he shot through the toilet door.


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Murder trial Oscar Trial