Ward 22 councillor Privi Makhan writes:
The national police service is led by a failing minister who is failing the police and South Africa.
Every day 67 people are murdered, 153 people are raped and 364 violent robberies occur.
The July 2021 insurrection cost South Africa hundreds of lives and R50-billion while the police did nothing to prevent it.
Our nation faces a safety crisis that can only be fixed by some major changes.
There is an overwhelming need for functional community policing forums (CPF) and Neighbourhood Watch structures. Empowering security and local law enforcement will go a long way to improving outcomes and rebuild trust among the communities the Saps serves.
In addition to this, strengthening community policing partnerships with Neighbourhood Watches, CPFs, non-governmental organisations, churches, private security and local law enforcement is critical.
Last week, ward 22 successfully launched its CPF structure. The community is encouraged to align with this mandated structure.
Contact Stuart Weston at 082 360 8997 to become involved in CPF or Nathalie Struwe at 081 509 6885 to support the Salt Rock Neighbourhood Watch.
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