Nat Geo delivers astronauts, dinosaurs and wild animals to malls
NATIONAL Geographic Channels International (NGCI) announced the launch of an unprecedented experience showcasing augmented reality (AR) applications on screens across some of the country's leading malls, including Gateway theatre of Shopping from 17 to 23 September.

These demos include several mobile apps developed using the Qualcomm Vuforia software development kit, a product of Qualcomm Austria Research Center GmbH, a subsidiary of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
Both National Geographic and Qualcomm share a passion for innovation through research and development, and are working together to bring a continuous stream of special interactive content that aims to inform, entertain and educate audiences about our world and the environment in which we live, through various AR applications.
Qualcomm Vuforia enables mobile apps to see and deliver compelling, interactive, and engaging experiences. The National Geographic Channel and Nat Geo WILD programming tent poles of science, wildlife, technology, history, culture and natural history will be represented through fun and educational activities.
Shoppers will get to interact with multiple animations that demonstrate incredible weather systems, walking on the moon and interacting with dolphins, leopards and a very large T-Rex. They will also get the opportunity to instantly share video, images and live feeds directly to social media, creating a 360 degree experience unmatched locally.
National Geographic Channels Africa Director; Thandi Davids said: “We are excited to be part of these proceedings and have gone out of our way to bring-to-life what the public associates with our channels.
“The demos really promise to be one of intrigue and invigorating fun, for all those in attendance,” she added.