As a driver in the area, I am not surprised as I have noticed, of late, that drivers are not as vigilant and patient as they could be. And, of course, everyone seems to be in a great hurry to get to their destinations, and, inbetween, drop off children, take the dog to the vet, get something for supper, and so on.
We get on that treadmill and run for all we’re worth to get everything done, in time. However, we all need to remember that it is also our own lives and those of our families at stake, when we take chances when driving.
My new refrain, to anyone who will lend an ear, is that to live and survive in this country, we have to be hardcore and tough. We live on the knife-edge (excuse the pun) with dangerous criminals threatening our lives for our possessions. And when we hit the roads, we run the gauntlet, yet again.
But please, remember to rein in the anger and frustration, and drive as defensively as possible to avoid terrible accidents. You guys are our people and we care about you and don’t want to have to write an accident report on you.
Click here to see this week’s accident report.