Die ANC jeugliga optog by die NWU Potchefstroom kampus

'n Groep ANC Jeug liga betogers wou die hekke van die PUK afbreek om by die kampus te kon inkom. Die polisie moes skokgranate gebruik om die groep te keer

‘n Groep ANC Jeug liga betogers wou die hekke van die PUK afbreek om by die kampus te kon inkom. Die polisie moes  skokgranate gebruik om die groep te keer


Dustin Wetdewich

I have been a journalist with the herald since 2014. In this time I have won numerous writing awards. I have branched out to sport reporting recently and enjoy the new challenge. In 2019 I was promoted to Editor of the Herald which brings another set of challenges. I am comitted to being the best version of myself.
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