
Pupils express themselves in peace poster contest

PUPILS from five schools are creating entries for the Lions Peace Poster contest.

“The prestigious, international contest has been running for some 26 years now. The three Lions clubs, Kingsburgh, Toti and eThekwini South have been working together to promote this contest for the past few years. We firmly believe it is a wonderful opportunity for promoting the idea of peace, tolerance and international understanding as it encourages young people to think about peace, to creatively express what it means to them and to share their own unique visions with others,” said Lion Gwen Ellis of Kingsburgh Lions Club.

The theme this year is ‘Our World, Our Future’. The posters are judged on originality, artistic merit and expression of the theme.

Local judging takes place on Thursday, 17 October.

“The judging will be done by local artists and three posters will be chosen to represent the three clubs and these will go on to be judged at district level in November. Ultimately all winners from across the world, about 375,000 will be judged early next year at Lions headquarters in the USA.

The grand prize winner will receive a cash prize of US$ 5,000 plus a trip accompanied by a parent or guardian to the awards ceremony at Lions Day with the United Nations.

Each of 23 merit award winners will receive a cash award of US$500. There are handsome prizes to be won at each level of judging.

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