EDITOR – I refer to last week’s headline news ‘Mourning mothers pickets outside court’ and wish to comment.
It never ceases to amaze me that when someone is killed in a drunk driving accident, everyone wants to gun the drunk driver as if he is the only criminal involved.
But what about the other criminal – ‘the liquor industry’?’ This industry manufactures beverages that either puts people to sleep or adversely affects a motorist’s judgement when driving. In my opinion, every drunk driving accident should be listed after which legislation must demand that the liquor industry pays all costs relating to the accident as well as compensation to all victims for injuries, death of relatives and other damages they sustain by virtue of the occurrence of the accident due to drunk driving.
In determining the sentence for drunk drivers, the public must remember two things:
1) Drunk drivers who become alcoholics do not do so by choice. Medics know that, for certain people, the poison in alcohol traps them in an illness they will never overcome.
2) Drunk drivers who do not become alcoholics are essentially stupid and should be punished for the injuries they wilfully inflict on others and for the suffering they cause the members of their family who have the privilege of living with them.