EDITOR – On Sunday evening at 11.30pm we were alerted to excessive motorbike revving in Beach Road in the node between Afsaal, Brigadoon and Sweetwater flats.
On investigating, we encountered an out of town biker who seemed to have forgotten that the same regulations in regard noise and courtesy towards others, applies here similar to his own home town.
Not only was he persuaded to refrain from continuing in his behaviour, but a meeting was facilitated via the local motorcycle fraternity with the individual and national representatives of his motorcycle club on Tuesday, 25 September.
The individual tabled a written apology to residents affected by his irresponsible behaviour while the club will in turn also facilitate internal disciplinary procedures.
The layman might be unaware that the organised motorcycle fraternity remain subject to a very strict disciplinary code which extends respect for others and their club’s integrity.
While there are certainly still some rough diamonds among them, local clubs remain (albeit by choice and largely behind the scenes) committed to charity, community and awareness initiatives such as Bikers against Drugs (BAD) and providing other assistance within the community.
This matter is considered dealt with and closed.