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Bluff car guards gifted with food parcels

"It was time for someone to do something nice for these unsung heroes," said Noel Arjuna about the carguards

THEY say charity begins at home, and this is what a local bank branch’s transformation team has shown by giving food hampers to 22 car guards outside their premises on Tuesday, 15 August.

READ: Police laud car guard for thwarting car thieves
Noel Arjuna and his Standard Bank Bluff team, aided by a generous donation from Shalendra Maharaj from Housewives Market in Clairwood, made up 22 food parcels for the car guards who protect the bank’s staff and customers’ vehicle from damage or theft. “They are out there every single day, no matter what the weather is or challenges they face in their profession. It was time for someone to do something nice for these unsung heroes,” said Arjuna.

Noel Arjuna from Standard Bank hands over Debbie Porter’s food hamper

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The car guards lined up with huge smiles, some having never experienced the joy of receiving a gift. Debbie Porter (51), who has been a car guard for about six years, said she and her colleagues are grateful for what the transformation team has done.

“It’s a nice feeling to be appreciated and acknowledged…”

“…For most of us, at times it’s hard to know when our next meal is. To receive this food hamper is a blessing. Now we have something to eat today and many days after. Thank you to Standard Bank and Housewives Market for thinking of us when many don’t even know we exist. Thank you for showing us kindness when we are met with disgust and rudeness,” said Porter.

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