Categories: Local Soccer
| On 5 years ago

Ex-Pirates official joins Tanzanian giants

By Khaya Ndubane

Mazingiza expressed his delight at joining the Tanzania giants.

“Simba are such a great team. I have been following them for some time now,” Mazingiza was quoted as saying by the club’s official Twitter page.

“I have learned they are a great team and we can make it bigger, not only in the East African region but the biggest club in Africa.”

Mazingiza worked for Pirates between 2011 and 2013. He was with the Buccaneers when they won the 2011/12 league title.

He left Pirates in 2013 and was with Dikwena when they clinched the MTN8 and Telkom Knockout Cup.

The experienced administrator has also worked for Bay United and University of Pretoria.


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