A passport to a bright future

Education is a fundamental driver of personal, national and global development
Investing in education is extremely important if you are a parent or even if you want to further yourself professionally. It is unlikely that there is ever a point in anyone’s life when learning and furthering yourself becomes unimportant or unnecessary.
It is only through education that people are able to improve themselves.
One of the most important factors for escaping from poverty is education. The only way a society can continue to grow and prosper is through proper education at all levels.
As a parent, it is important to prepare your children to become productive members of the economy and become responsible and active members of our society.
Investing in their education should never be underestimated.
Think of the long-term benefits a child will enjoy upon completing a proper course of education. As the world evolves and becomes technologically savvy, it is reasonable to expect that the demand for high-level skills will increase over time and that kids will need to be adequately skilled to apply for such positions.
Keep in mind that a university degree increases in value with every generation, and you would want your children to be part of the fortunate few that could further their education thanks to your sacrifices.
Hoërskool Rob Ferreira, ’n skool met geleenthede
Geleë in die middel van die pragtige dorpie Witrivier is een van Mpumalanga se toppresterende kwintiel-5-skole.
Kort na sy stigting in 1954 het die skool ’n sfeer van respek in baie van die oneindig ingewikkelde velde van onderwys begin afdwing.
Die visie is gesentreer rondom die verskaffing van geleenthede om te ontwikkel en uit te blink.
Rob bied nie minder nie as 21 vakke om van te kies. Dit sluit vier wiskundige, vier tegniese, drie ekonomiese wetenskapvakke en ook landboutegnologie in. Die skool het in meer as een geval van die top nasionale presteerders in sekere vakke opgelewer.
Die belangrikheid van die skool en die gehalte onderwys word gedemonstreer deur ons aansienlike aantal leerders wat ’n baie wye spektrum van professionele loopbane in medisyne, ingenieurswese, regte, handel en wetenskap, om maar ’n paar te noem, beklee het.
Rob Ferreira is welbekend vir sy geleenthede in sport, waar ons leerders uit 12 verskillende sportkodes kan kies en verseker is van deelname aan verskillende geleenthede deur die jaar. Rob neem aan drie interhoëratletiekkompetisies in twee provinsies en ten minste 11 ander jaarlikse kompetisies met meer as 150 atlete deel.
Een van die resultate van die skool se eie talentidentifikasie- en ontwikkelingsprogramme is die feit dat ons leerders altyd kans kry om in verskillende spanne te vorder.
Dit is egter op nasionale vlak wat die skool bo die meeste van sy eweknieë uitstyg. In 2023 alleen het nie minder as 16 atlete die provinsie verteenwoordig, 17 medaljes is gewen en 22 top 10-posisies is nasionaal behaal. Dit bevestig die gehalte en passie van ons afrigters.
Ons sterk, entoesiastiese ouerondersteuning verseker dat ons skool uitgebreide en diverse fasiliteite het (insluitende twee verskillende soorte gimnasiums) wat progressief onderhou en opgegradeer word.
Daar sal binnekort opwindende en unieke projekte van stapel gestuur word.
Dis hoekom daar by Rob gesê word dat “gewone leerders die kans kry om buitengewone dinge te doen.”
Uplands College announces 2024 head mentors
It was at a prestigious Uplands College honours evening on October 12 that the school’s head mentors for 2024 were announced.
Uplands College’s head, Allan Laing, appointed Danny Snyman and Katie Mills in the position of head school mentors, while Brunielle Broadwell and Marley Waspe were announced as the deputy head school mentors.
The head boarding mentors for the four boarding houses were also revealed. Lesihle Fakudze will be head mentor of Founders House, Onthatile Manaka will head up Goss House, Diara Cumbi will be head mentor of Bishop House and Brunielle Broadwell for College House.
“We are excited about the impact these pupils will make on our school over the next 12 months,” said the college in a statement. “We wish them the best of luck in their new leadership journey.”

Nellie-presteerders vereer vir hul bydrae op sport-, kultuur- en akademiese gebied
Tydens Hoërskool Nelspruit se twee prysuitdelingsgeleenthede op onderskeidelik 12 en 19 Oktober is die Nellie-presteerders van dié jaar vir hul bydrae op sport-, kultuur- en akademiese gebied vereer.
Tydens hierdie geleentheid het die skool ’n erepenning toegeken aan die baie suksesvolle oudleerling, mnr. Gideon Galloway. Hy het matriek in 1995 geskryf en sedertdien sy pad gebaan om die welbekende maatskappy King Price te stig.
Die skoolhoof, mnr. Johan Hattingh, het mnr. Johann du Preez ook vereer met ’n spesiale toekenning vir sy betrokkenheid by NHS vir baie jare.
Die Hoof se Toekenning het aan Johvan de Lange (gr. 12) gegaan. Johvan was verlede jaar (tydens sy matriekjaar) in ’n motorfietsongeluk en was baie ernstig beseer. Hy het deur ’n lang herstelperiode volhard en het vanjaar na die skool teruggekeer om sy matriekjaar te voltooi.
Dit was ook ’n spesiale aand vir Neelsie van Dyk (Dux 2022/23) wat die Cum Laude- en mees verdienstelike leerder-toekennings ontvang het.
Cum laude en mees verdienstelike leerder
Neelsie van Dyk
Hierdie toekenning word gemaak aan ’n leerder wat in vyf kategorieë erekleure verwerf het.
Hy verwerf dit in:
– Akademie
– Leierskap
– Dienslewering
– Kultuur
– Betrokkenheid
- Mees verdienstelike leerder 2023
Geborg deur Kruger and Partners Inc
- Erekleure in akademie
– Met ’n gemiddeld van 89%
– Beste vakpersentasie in inligtingstegnologie
– 7de op top tien in graad 12
- Erekleure in leierskap
– Dux (2022/23)
Neelsie is beskryf as ’n flambojante dux wat sy mede-Nellies altyd met hoogs gesofistikeerde woorde en ingeligte opmerkings toegespreek het. Wat egter uitgestaan het van sy leierskap is dat dit nie net by mooi woorde gestop het nie, hy het werklik die bestuurskomitee en Nellies deur sy dade ook gelei. Saam met Niandi Coetzee was hulle ’n dinamiese span wat uiters hard gewerk het en inisiatiewe gedryf het waarby die hele skool gebaat het. Hy het nooit geskroom om vir die regte redes teen die stroom te swem of om op te staan vir dit wat reg is.
- Erekleure in dienslewering
Dux van skool se bestuurskomitee en muurbalkaptein (Puk-reeks)
- Erekleure in betrokkenheid
Hy het veral alle kultuur-aktiwiteite bygewoon waarvoor hy ’n passie het. Hy verleen hulp na skool. Hy woon revue- en muurbal-oefeninge getrou by. Sy etiese lojaliteit verdien ook vermelding. Hy stel te alle tye ’n navolgingswaardige voorbeeld.
- Erekleure in kultuur
– Vyf jaar lid van die revue, verskeie solo’s.
– Dink of Sink-debat (5de in Noordstreek)
– ATKV-Redenaars semifinale, Mpumalanga
– Spesiale vermelding in 2022 ATKV
– Redenaars, onvoorbereid, nasionale wenner
Lize Oosthuizen
Beste % in gr. 12 in:
Afrikaans: 93%
Engels: 95%
Wiskunde: 92%
tegnologie: 94%
Toerisme: 98%
Rekeningkunde: 91%
Inligtingstegnologie: 92%
Lewensoriëntering: 98%
Gemiddeld: 94,4%
Spesiale Toekenning
Johann du Preez
Ons wil graag aan mnr. Johann du Preez erkenning gee vir die jare wat hy (voor 2012 al) betrokke by die skool se regsake was en waar hy al die werk gedoen het en nooit vir ons eers ’n rekening gelewer het nie.
Behalwe dat hy dit gedoen het, was hy ook vanaf 2003 betrokke by die Palmdraers Trust waar hy die laaste paar jaar as voorsitter opgetree het.
Soos hy self sê – die oudste pa van die skool.
Nog Nellie toekennings

Vlammies participate in their first-ever provincial debate
Hoërskool Bergvlam introduced English debate as a culture activity in 2022, teaching the basics of this amazing sport, and only starting competing in 2023, and what a year it has been for both the junior and senior teams!
Bergvlam participated in a few friendly debates throughout 2023, in preparation for the Mpumalanga Schools’ Debating Association’s 2023 Provincial Debating Tournament that took place on September 8 and 9.

Bergvlam Senior 1 received a third place, Bergvlam Senior 2 received a fourth place, and the junior team also received a third place. Not only did the teams place really well for their first time competing, the senior team captain, Jaelyn de Vries, won runner-up for the best speaker of the tournament.
Eleven of Bergvlam’s debaters were selected as triallists for the provincial team, and four of them made it. Congratulations to Jaelyn de Vries, Nina van Heerden, Amani Nomani and Natalia Mabuza.
All of the debaters worked exceptionally hard throughout the year. They challenged themselves mentally and emotionally. They spent hours upon hours researching, creating arguments, learning different techniques and definitely reaping the fruit of their hard work. The coaching team could not be prouder of each individual!
This House believes that this is only the start for Hoërskool Bergvlam’s English debate, and that they will go far.
Curro Nelspruit celebrates matrics’ achievements
Curro Nelspruit recently celebrated its matrics of 2023 at its traditional Valediction Service.
After years of smaller events due to the restrictions of Covid-19, the whole school body, all high school academic staff and parents were invited to the event in celebration of the Grade 12s’ achievements.

Pr André Greyling of the AFM Communio Church opened the event with a special devotion to the Class of 2023. He reminded the school of the meaning of ‘valediction’ – the action of saying farewell.
“This realisation brought tears to the eyes of the Grade 12s, their parents and their teachers,” said Curro Nelspruit’s Amanda Steven-Jennings.

The head boy, Jodi-Leigh Berlington, and head girl, Ané Blom, also shared their reflections on their time at Curro Nelspruit, and wished their peers well on the road ahead by encouraging them to act on their dreams.

They both acknowledged the important work of their teachers – in their encouragements and constructive criticism – which had brought them to this point in their lives.

The principal, Nico Bronkhorst, and executive head, Mike Bownes, also delivered words of encouragement to the learners and parents.
“Bownes graced the audience with a moving ballad written (and sung) especially for the Class of 2023,” said Steven-Jennings.
A ‘Netflix’ inspired slideshow that the Grade 12s had prepared showed the highlights of their time at Curro Nelspruit, some of whom have known one another for their entire schooling career.
“We are incredibly proud of our Class of 2023. They have shown determination and a positive mindset throughout their high school years. They maintained their academic standard while also working to restore school spirit after remote learning had dimmed it. We wish them the best of luck with their examinations and all future endeavours. They will always be remembered for their enthusiasm and team spirit,” Steven-Jennings said.
Ané received gold certificates for Afrikaans home language, computer applications technology, English first additional language, life sciences, physical sciences, mathematics and further studies in mathematics.