Residents were treated to a whole lot more than just billionaire Robert Gumede’s 50th birthday party this weekend.
At their wits’ end with the all-night party, frustrated readers took to Nelspruit Post’s sister publication, Lowvelder’s Facebook page to voice their complaints.
Ms Lynette Pearson Daly thanked Gumede for making it so enjoyable for people in the vicinity, “Even my window railings were rumbling from the deep bass of the music. “Our whole family was kept awake – even the dogs.
“Thank you very much for that.”
Ms Marisca van Niekerk agreed with Daly, saying not only had their window sills also rumbled all through the night, but her children had also been afraid of the sound of the bass, “Our car alarm also went off every few minutes because of the bass. Completely ridiculous.”
Nelspruit Post contacted Mbombela Municipality regarding the complaints. Mr Joseph Ngala, spokesman for the municipality, stated that no application was received, or permission granted for the event, in terms of the town-planning scheme.
“The lessee of the property (Nelspruit Rugby Club) was informed to submit an application before the event was held in order for the council to regulate, among other issues, the noise aspects.”
Gumede’s personal assistant, Mr Mario Pillay, stated the following, “We applied to the rugby club which was kind enough to allow us to host the community event after Mbombela Stadium management reneged and turned our application down.
“We informed all parties concerned, including the JOC/VOC (sic).
“That is why we had an incident-free event with over 65 000 peaceful concertgoers of Mbombela, townships and villages.
“We would like to applaud the professional, passionate, patriotic and ubuntu spirit of the Nelspruit Rugby Club.
“With their ubuntu and no-narrow political agenda, we were able to let so many people in at the club.
Two children even won a new house each to be built by Mr Gumede.”
Pillay stated that they were proud of the weekend’s events, as thousands of local jobs had been created, and hotels had been fully booked. “The Mbombela economy received a huge jolt.
The cleaning of the venue and surrounding areas started immediately after the concert,” he said.
“We believe that it is events like Mr Gumede’s and Innibos, that should be welcomed by all, because of what they bring to the city and the surroundings.”
Mr Herklaas du Preez, chairman of the rugby club, confirmed that no official approval had been obtained.
“The organisers of the event, however, communicated directly to the different departments that were part of the arrangements, including the SAPS, disaster management, emergency services and security.
“The residents all have the right to complain, and on behalf of the club I would like to apologise for the inconvenience caused to them,” Du Preez said. He had to pay a fine to the council.
Fines for this kind of offence ranges between R1 000 and R2 000.