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Community helps SAPS recover goods

Barberton SAPS recovered stolen community work programme (CWP) property last week, and three suspects were detained.

Barberton SAPS recovered stolen community work programme (CWP) property last week, and three suspects were detained.This follows after a tip-off from members of the public.

The goods belong to the CWP segment of the local municipality.The recovered goods included work uniforms, safety boots, a generator, grinder, hose pipe, trimmer, and a water pump among others. They are worth an estimated value of R230 000.

The goods were stolen on February 24, the case was reported on February 25 and the goods were found on March 3.

According to Lt Col Reuben Pilusa, from the local police, these items were kept in the municipality’s storeroom in Umjindini when the suspects broke in and stole them.

An informant called the CWP offices saying they saw the property in Extension 13, and they immediately informed the police. The detectives went to investigate the matter. Upon their arrival the officers found some, but not all of the stolen goods.

According to Pilusa, there are still dedicated police men and women who do their jobs with dedication.

“In such a short period of time some of the goods were returned and this is because of the community and the complainant working with the police. We can get the job done if the community continues to work with us. With their support a lot can be done, and we appreciate what they are doing. We want to make an example of people who find joy in others’ misery by detaining them.” Some of the stolen goods are still out there. The police would like to urge the public to inform them if they have any information.

“The suspects removed the branding of CWP on the uniforms. If you see anyone with suspicious items, contact the local police immediately.”

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