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Heavyweight transformer boosts Rooidraai’s power

In the meantime, residents are urged to use electricity sparingly and keep in mind that power will be interrupted from time to time as the transfer of the transformers is being done.

LYDENBURG – The town has had numerous complaints about electricity outages and low-voltage readings since a transformer blew at Rooidraai substation on April 5. Since then, several households and businesses have been affected by the interrupted power supply for nearly three weeks. On Tuesday repair contractors, LH Marthinusen dispatched a

On Tuesday repair contractors, LH Marthinusen dispatched a lowbed truck to transfer the current 10MVA transformer at Kellysville extension to Rooidraai’s substation. Thaba Chweu Local Municipality (TCLM) said it decided that the blown 3,5MVA transformer at Rooidraai would be repaired by a contractor and then installed at Kellysville. The municipality said in view of the town’s expansion, the best option would be to swap the two transformers to provide Rooidraai with a greater power capacity. No time frame has been determined for the repair of the 3,5MVA transformer as the whole unit needs to be stripped for

No time frame has been determined for the repair of the 3,5MVA transformer as the whole unit needs to be stripped for faultfinding purposes. DA Cllr Nicko Janse van Vuuren said he had urged TCLM to switch the two transformers years ago. “When the 10MVA at Kellysville was first struck by lightning several years ago, I told them to install it at Rooidraai since the 3,5MVA could not carry the demanded electricity load by the town. When the transformer came back from repairs after months, it was again installed at Kellysville, not at Rooidraai.” In the meantime, residents are urged to use electricity sparingly and keep in mind that power will be interrupted from time to time as the transfer of the transformers

In the meantime, residents are urged to use electricity sparingly and keep in mind that power will be interrupted from time to time as the transfer of the transformers is being done. The 10MVA transformer weighs 22 tons and can only be transported by a low-bed abnormal-load vehicle such as those being used by LH Marthinusen.



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