
Dubbele moordsaak in Mbombela: Gemeenskap se samewerking dra by tot ondersoek se vordering

Die eredienste van Shawn Pretorius en Ilonka Craucamp vind onderskeidelik Saterdag en volgende Dinsdag plaas.

Goeie vordering in die dubbele moordsaak wat Kersdag in Steiltes, Mbombela plaasgevind het, is al deur die ondersoekspan gemaak.

Bossies Community Justice se Albert Gryvenstein het vanoggend aan Laevelder gesê hulle is baie dank verskuldig aan die gemeenskap wat heelwat kringtelevisie-materiaal en saaknommers aan hul deurgegee het.

“Ons het al die inligting wat ons tot dusver ingewin het, aan die ondersoekbeampte in die saak oorhandig, wat bygestaan word deur verskeie afdelings in die polisie. Daar kan nou vergelykings en ‘n analise gemaak word met dit wat ons alles ontvang het.”

Albert Gryvenstein
van Bossies Community Justice. Foto: Verskaf

Gryvenstein het ook bevestig dat die polisie reeds Artikel 205-aansoeke ingedien het. Dié aansoeke wat deur die hof toegestaan moet word, gee aan die polisie die reg tot sekere inligting wat noodsaaklik mag wees in die ondersoekproses en sluit byvoorbeeld selfoon-inligting van verdagtes in.

‘n Artikel 205 is veral daarop gemik om persone wat oor inligting oor ’n beweerde misdaad beskik, maar dit nie aan die ondersoekers wil openbaar nie, te dwing om die inligting te verskaf.

Op WhatsApp-groepe van Steiltes het inwoners sedert die gebeure verskeie verdagte voertuie en persone gedeel.

Die gemeenskap het ook druk toegepas dat die plakkers op die hoek van Enos Mabuza- en Aurorastrate verwyder word en die munisipaliteit en polisie het vanoggend met die proses begin.

Plakkers word verwyder op die hoek van Enos Mabuza- en Aurorastrate. Foto verskaf deur ‘n inwoner van Steiltes, Nelspruit.

Mbombela Plaaslike Munisipaliteit se woordvoerder, Joseph Ngala, het hul betrokkenheid by die optrede bevestig.

Intussen maak die families van Ilonka Craucamp en Shawn Pretorius gereed om van hul geliefdes afskeid te neem. Pretorius se erediens vind Saterdag, 6 Januarie om 10:00 by Francine’s Farmhouse en Venue in Hoedspruit plaas.

Op die Facebook-blad, Hoedspruit Town South Africa, het vriende steeds hulde aan Pretorius gebring.

Natasha Schnetler Beaton het geskryf: “Ai my hart is so, so seer vir julle almal. Dit is ‘n groot skok vir almal. My hart gaan uit na julle hele familie. So jammer dat julle deur die pyn moet gaan” en Claudia Smith het gesê: “So nice mens gewees. So hartseer.”

Beide PostNet Hoedspruit en Nelspruit sal Saterdag gesluit wees. Pretorius en sy voormalige vrou is die eienaars van die PostNet op Hoedspruit asook die tak by Crossing Shopping Centre in Mbombela.

Craucamp se erediens wat Dinsdag, 9 Januarie plaasvind, gaan ‘n viering van haar lewe wees en op die kennisgewing word geskryf almal wat dit bywoon moet  “vrolik en kleurvol, geen swart” aantrek.   Dit word om 10:00 by die Equine House, Zandspruit Estate gehou.

ENGLISH VERSION: The article has been translated at the request of our English-speaking readers:

Double murder in Mbombela: Community co-operation contributes to investigation

Shawn Pretorius and Ilonka Craucamp’s memorial services take place on Saturday and next Tuesday, respectively.

Good progress in the double murder case that took place on Christmas Day in Steiltes, Mbombela, has already been made by the investigation team.

Bossies Community Justice’s Albert Gryvenstein told Lowvelder this morning that they are grateful to community members who passed on CCTV material and case numbers to them.

“We have handed over all the information we have gathered so far to the investigating officer in the case, who is being assisted by various divisions in the police. Comparisons and analysis can now be made.”

Gryvenstein also confirmed that the police had already submitted section 205 applications. These applications, which must be granted by the court, give the police the right to certain information that may be essential to the investigation process and include, for example, cellphone information of suspects.

Section 205 of the Criminal Procedure Act is aimed at forcing people who have information about an alleged crime but are reluctant to share it, to disclose it to investigators.

On Steiltes’ WhatsApp groups, residents have shared details of several ‘suspicious’ vehicles and people since the killings. The community also applied pressure to remove the squatters on the corner of Enos Mabuza and Aurora streets and the municipality and police started the process this morning.

Mbombela Local Municipality spokesperson Joseph Ngala confirmed their involvement in the action.

Meanwhile, the families of Ilonka Craucamp and Shawn Pretorius are preparing to say goodbye to their loved ones.

Pretorius’ service will take place on Saturday, January 6, at 10:00 at Francine’s Farmhouse and Venue in Hoedspruit.

On the Facebook page, Hoedspruit Town South Africa, friends continue to pay tribute to Pretorius.

Natasha Schnetler Beaton wrote [originally in Afrikaans]: “Oh my heart hurts so so much for you all. This is a big shock to everyone. My heart goes out to your entire family. So sorry that you have to go through the pain.” Claudia Smith said: “Such a nice person. So sad.”

Both PostNet Hoedspruit and Nelspruit, which Pretorius owned, will be closed on Saturday.

Craucamp’s service, which will take place on Tuesday, January 9, will be a celebration of her life and those who gather to bid her farewell are asked to wear ‘cheerful and colourful, no black’ clothing. It will be held at the Equine House, Zandspruit Estate, Hoedspruit, at 10:00.

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