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Home of Mpumalanga Hawks’ head broken into, arrests made

Two people have been arrested after the Mbombela home of the Mpumalanga Hawks head was broken into recently. The suspects are set to appear in court on January 11.

Two men have been arrested in connection with a break-in and theft of valuables out of the Mbombela home of Mpumalanga Hawks head Major General Nico Gerber.

The break-in occurred in December 2023, and the suspects were arrested on Tuesday January 9.

The Mpumalanga Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation’s (Hawks) spokesperson, Captain Dineo Sekgotodi, said the two suspects, aged 32 and 36, were arrested following a multidisciplinary intelligence-driven operation by the Nelspruit Hawks’ Serious Organised Crime Investigation Unit and the Mpumalanga Provincial Organised Crime Unit.

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She said they had received information about the incident and an investigation was launched.

“Some information from witnesses linked a suspicious motor vehicle to the crime scene, which led to the vehicle allegedly utilised in the commission of the burglary being traced,” said Sekgotodi.

She said the vehicle owner (the 36-year-old) was arrested and was linked to the crime scene. More information led to the arrest of the second suspect in Steiltes.

“All stolen items have been recovered,” she said. Sekgotodi further stated that other items allegedly found in possession of the suspects were linked to other housebreaking cases.

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An additional case of possession of stolen property was opened. She said the suspects will be charged and are expected to appear in the Nelspruit Magistrate’s Court on Thursday January 11.

“I am so humbled but extremely proud of the Nelspruit Serious Organised Crime Investigation Unit and the Provincial Organised Crime Unit. This is teamwork and commitment,” said Gerber.

He further applauded the community of Mpumalanga for their assistance by providing information, which led to the successful arrest of these suspects.

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