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Learning support hub opens in Hazyview to much appreciation

The hub will be open to learners and the people of Hazyview, providing extra lessons and counselling.

Summerhill Preparatory School has officially opened its new learning support hub on April 30, not only for the school itself, but for the entire community of Hazyview.

The Shine Centre was opened by the family of the school’s founder, the late Ian Veldsman. ‘Shine’ is an acronym for support, harness, intervene, nurture and empower.

According to the principal of the school, Cheryl Calmeyer, the centre was opened in memory of Veldsman, who died from cancer last November, to honour him because of his huge input in starting Summerhill and providing educational excellence.

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Stefan Veldsman unveils the plaque of the new centre.

“The hub will be open to learners and the people of Hazyview, providing extra lessons and counselling. The centre already boasts a remedial teacher who will also act as the co-ordinator of the Shine Centre and as a counsellor. We are hoping to also secure the services of an occupational and a speech therapist to assist those in need, once a week. The centre will be open to the public. There is definitely a need for this kind of support in our area,” said Calmeyer.

Veldsman’s son, Stefan, said that as a family, they are grateful that his father’s legacy continues even though he has passed on. When they see the school that started with one class and how it has grown, it is overwhelming for the family to realise what his father had done for the community of Hazyview at large.

Cheryl Calmeyer, Summerhill Prepatory School’s principal.

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“My father believed in quality education. He opened the school in 1997, especially for kids who were English-orientated, as there was only an Afrikaans school in the area. Since then, the school has grown far beyond anyone’s expectations. This learning centre is one example of how his legacy will continue to benefit the Hazyview area,” he said.

Stefan also thanked the school management and the entire Hazyview community for their support of the school so far, and called for it to continue to provide quality education.

Suzy Veldsman.

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