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Botanical Society delights at sights and sounds up Mt Bekker

The Lowveld branch of the Botanical Society’s trek up Mt Bekker from Klipspringer Lodge in Mbombela saw the group admire a variety of botanical delights.

The Lowveld branch of the Botanical Society has introduced nature walks into their monthly outings, which saw a walk up Mt Bekker from Klipspringer Lodge last Sunday morning, April 28.

The society’s Wendy Williams said the group had set out in the morning with a guide from the lodge to discover the botanical delights the mountain holds, and were not disappointed by what they saw.

“The going got tough in places, but it was worth it for the views and sightings. We saw three different types of orchids, including the white snout and leopard orchids, and stunning trees and flowers,” she said.

Members of the Lowveld branch of the Botanical Society took a walk up Mt Bekker on Sunday morning.
> Photo: Supplied/Vera Kolberg

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“The weekend was also the City Nature Challenge, so as part of the walk, we logged our sightings on iNaturalist. The challenge has recorded over 70 000 observations to date, with our branch being 15th out of 37 southern African cities at the moment.”

She said the society had a variety of age groups and fitness levels on the walk, which took about three and a half hours. To find out more about the society and future outings, follow them on Facebook at Botsoc Lowveld.

A pink swamp mallow. > Photos: Supplied/Wendy Williams
A white snout orchid. > Photo: Supplied/Wendy Williams

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