Advertise with Lowvelder

No matter how you look at it, advertising pays, and with a monthly distribution of more than a million printed copies, Lowveld Media is the established leader when it comes to marketing your business.

Nelspruit’s most affluent and successful businesses see the value in advertise with us, shouldn’t you? Henry Ford once said,

“A man who stops advertising to save money is like a man who stops a clock to save time.”

We know times are tough, and that is why we can customise options to suite your need and budget.


Guide to print advertisement sizes:

• Full page: 39cm x 26.5cm (8 column)
• Half page: 20cm x 26.5cm (8 column)

Available in full colour, spot colour or black and white

• Quarter page: 20cm x 13,1cm (4 column)
• 10cm x 13.1cm (4 column)
• 10cm x 6.4cm (2 column)
• 5cm x  6.4cm (2 column)
Available in full colour, spot colour or black and white

Digital Advertising

On the digital side Lowveld Media is currently harnessing some 800 000 page views per month across its eight news websites. We have various online advertising options to suite your marketing needs so drop us a message below so we can contact you with some unique advertising solutions. has a range of online advertising options including website advertisements, home page takeovers, business listing, sponsored content articles, features and more. Online advertising also includes promotion on our very popular social media platforms.

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To Find out more about our various advertising options, and how they can benefit your business, simply fill in the form below.


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