Categories: Crime
| On 4 years ago

Firefighters battling blaze in Cape Town pepper-sprayed

By News24 Wire

Two City of Cape Town firefighters were pepper-sprayed at the scene of a fire in Seawinds.

The fire started on Friday night. Crews from Ottery, Lakeside and Wynberg responded to reports of informal structures alight in Overcome Heights at around 11.30pm said City Fire and Rescue spokesperson Jermaine Carelse.

The crews managed to contain the spread of fire, but two firefighters – one from Wynberg fire station and the other from Ottery – were “pepper-sprayed by an unknown assailant who was waiting for them when they returned”, Carelse said.

Medical staff treated them at the scene.

“The City condemns this callous act in which the men and women who put their lives on the line to save others are targeted.”

The fire was extinguished just after 1am and the damage was contained to four informal structures and one vehicle.

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