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By Citizen Reporter


Mahlobo announces Gordhan ‘intelligence report’ to be investigated

The state security minister said his department would launch an investigation into the report.

Investigations will reportedly get under way by the department of state security into the intelligence report President Jacob Zuma is believed to have used to validate his decision to axe then finance minister Pravin Gordhan and his deputy, Mcebisi Jonas.

This is according to TimesLive, who reported on Saturday that Minister of State Security, David Mahlobo, made the announcement that an investigation was to get under way during a press conference on Friday in Pretoria.

This followed mass anti-Zuma protest action around the country.



Mahlobo was quoted as saying that no one could say that Zuma had “broken the law when conducting a reshuffle”, yet, he added that he had asked for the “the intelligence report that is said to be floating around” to be investigated, TimesLive quoted him as saying.



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