NPO donates to those in need on Mandela Day
Almost 80 toddlers at New Foundation Day Care Centre enjoyed a highly-nutritious vitality booster porridge as a breakfast meal on Mandela Day.

Almost 80 toddlers at New Foundation Day Care Centre enjoyed a highly-nutritious vitality booster porridge as a breakfast meal on Mandela Day. While their parents received a five-kg vitality booster porridge containing 100 meals to take home to their families.
Feed, an NPO involved with food, education, energy and development, donated the porridge. It decided to add another beneficiary, the New Foundation Day Care Centre in Ikageng, to commemorate Nelson Mandela. Merriam Moroka started the crèche in 2010, intending to keep the children off the streets. She said the donation meant a lot to the school as they struggle to make ends meet.
“We provide the children with two meals a day. It has been difficult because we use our funds to supply the food. Now that we have a booster porridge that the children can eat every morning, we can distribute those funds towards other things we need, like toys and materials to maintain the crèche,” she said.“The instant porridge is nutritious, high in vitamins, and contains a locally-produced medicinal herb, artemisia, blended into the porridge as an immune booster,” Henriette Schoeman, the Feed project manager, explained.
In the past two years of its existence, Feed has seen the severe impact of Covid within communities. Breadwinners lost their jobs, causing more households to depend on government grants, which are not enough to provide for their children.
In recent months, Feed’s porridge feeding scheme could contribute to addressing the issue.
The learners of Jane Letsapa Primary School, New Beginnings Crèche, Wabotsilo Child Development Centre in Ikageng and now the New Foundation Day Care Centre all benefit. Through the programme, Feed supports 500 children in the community, providing them with breakfast three times a week.
The NPO needs more support from local partners, additional grants, sponsors and donations to help even more people in need in the region and beyond.
For more information, contact Henriette Schoeman, Feed project manager, by emailing