AN URGENT start has been made on the construction of Amanzimtotis second beach at Pipeline because the municipality because the municipality must spend the R1.1million allocated to this project before March next year. Because of the urgency, the council has decided to dispense with calling for tenders and to invite quotations from selected contractors. Advertising in terms of the Environmental Act has been done and Toti is now waiting to see if there are any objections to the project.
AN AMANZIMTOTI man shot a rabid dog after it had bitten him last week and is now being treated against rabies. On Saturday evening Mr JR van Rensburg heard a disturbance in the backyard of his property at Zulweni Gardens near the old drive in and went to investigate. He found his dogs being held at bay by a stray dog. When he tried to protect his dogs it attacked him, sinking its teeth into his thigh.
THE majority of crime reported in Toti and Kingsburgh concerns theft. Items stolen from homes includes clothing, video machines and radios. Motor vehicle theft usually involves radios, tape decks and clothing.
IT has been brought to the attention of the local branch of the SPCA that visitors to the hospitals in Amanzimtoti and Scottburgh are leaving their dogs in their cars parked in the sun in the parking area. This cause the animals considerable distress. The public are requested to discontinue this practise in future.
OWNERS of properties overlooking the new Seadoone mall in Seadoone Road, Toti have taken legal advice because their properties have been eroded, allegedly as a result of earthworks on the new shopping complex. Three residents of Highway road, whose properties are threatened by the excavations have retained the services of local attorney to fight their case.
HELEN CRONJE Head of the junior Primary department of Amanzimtoti Primary School passed away on Friday, 12 August after a long illness. Mrs Cronje came to Amanzimtoti Primary from Marlborough Park school in 1984. Our present standard fives, the first to pass through her hands, will remember her as a caring teacher and friend, always ready to give a hug.
THE converted five star award of National Occupational Safety Association has been awarded to South African Brewery complex in Durban. The first major South African brewery ever to achieve the award. The status of the award is gauged by the fact that it has only been won by 1.5 percent of Natals 1.200 or so companies eligible to do so.