Inter region champs golf trophy returns to UGC
The support from everyone was tremendous and the school thanks everyone for the support.

UMKOMAAS Golf Club (UGC) is proud to report that the inter region trophy is back on the South Coast.
All thanks and congratulations to the Mkuhla team who won their games last Sunday when they played the Midlands team at Amanzimtoti Golf Club.
This is a tremendous achievement by the whole team and it’s thanks also for all the encouragement from the Umdoni team and the Mkuhla team captain, Annette Thorold. The girls played wonderfully well and deserve the trophy. Congratulations to every team member who played in the spirit it was meant to be played. Well done.
Not only is UGC celebrating its centenary this year but Umkomaas Primary School has also reached this marvelous milestone in its history. Last Sunday they celebrated in fine style by holding a fun golf day at UGC and many thanks to all their very generous sponsors for their donations, sponsorships, freebies and so on, which made it a wonderful and profitable day for the school. Well done to Cathy Fraser and her team of teachers and children who helped transport ‘stuff’ to the club and did a magnificent job on the day. To say Sunday was an unqualified success is putting it mildly. The support from everyone was tremendous and the school thanks everyone you for the support. Winners were James Reynolds and Renzo Avellini with 50 points, followed by Gregg Andersson and Dave Mulroy in second place with 48 points. Third spot was taken by Kuben Reddy and partner, Terry on 47 points with John and Jeff (sorry no surnames provided) with 44 points in fourth place.
Wednesday was the usual individual stableford and taking first place was Derek Airey on 41points, followed by Peter Boshoff in second spot on 39 points and finally in third place was Jimmy Spear on 34 points.
As always, the first Saturday of the month brings the Toyota Malanda monthly medal. The club warmly welcomed its visitors at prize giving. The weather played along so there was no excuses for “rubbish” golf at all.
A division: It was nice to see a new winner this month, with Lindane Mthiyane in first place on 73 and Nishalin Nelson in second spot on 74.
B division: Dirst was Dave Mulroy with a fantastic 67 with Moonsamy Nelson hot on his heels in second place with 69, counting out Derek Airey for third, also on 69. Well done, guys.
C division: In first place was Keith Vergottini on a tremendous 63, followed by Ken Harding in an equally great 66.
The women also played and as mentioned in last week’s report, Annette Thorold is really on a winning streak lately. She won the women’s medal competition on 72 with Sue Boshoff right behind her on a 73. The least putts was won (with the info received) by none other than Keith Vergottini on 29 putts. I’m not too sure how that happened. (It will be rectified in due course) The jackpot was scooped up by Dave Mulroy on 11 points but the hidden birdie ‘kitty’ is growing weekly by being carried over yet again from the 13th hole. The attendance draw will also be carried over since Barrie Taylor decided to leave early but Michelle van der Merwe went home with the meat draw this week.
Next week’s competition is a fourball better ball with social golf on Sunday. There is a winter special on at the moment – a ‘two for one’ special for two people (not groups), whereby two players can play golf on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at the special price. This does not include a cart. Call the office for more infomation on 039-973-1042.
To all the women going to the Damon Beard women’s night at Umkomaas Primary School on Thursday, 8 August, an event hosted by UGC’s women’s section, have a wonderful time since it’s Women’s Day on Friday. Contact Bryony on 073-510-1052 or Jacqui on 072-243-9732 in case there are a few tickets still available.
The club’s big fundraising day is on Saturday, 24 August. A big thank you to all members who donated prizes or sponsorship. Sonny thanks you for your support. There are not too many time slots left, so phone the office for more infomation.
The club sends its deepest condolences to longstanding member, Ganas Naicker and his family on the death of his father on Sunday. Thoughts and prayers are with him and his family at this sad time.
Club details can be found at