Categories: Local Soccer
| On 5 years ago

Safa reportedly turn down R100k donation for Banyana

By Phakaaathi Reporter

According to the Sowetan, MiWay were willing to give Banyana Banyana the once-off pledge for qualifying for the Fifa Women’s World Cup in France next year.

Safa acting CEO Russell Paul explains the association’s decision to refuse the insurance company’s offer.

“By turning the offer down we are saying that while we are appreciative of people making these kinds of offers‚ women’s football can do without handouts‚ they need sustainable offers of support‚” said Paul.

Paul added that Safa have been trying for a number of years to rope in more corporates into women’s football‚ even with the assistance of Banyana sponsor, Sasol‚ but they have up until now been turned down.

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