Categories: Local Soccer
| On 5 years ago

Safa to punish ABC league side

By Phakaaathi Reporter

Referee Mongezi Phungula was attacked by Dynamos supporters after their match at Chatsworth Stadium on Sunday afternoon.

Safa’s head of referees, Tenda Masikhwa, condemned the attack on the referee and said they had to wait until they received reports from the officials.

Masikhwa said the hooligans would pay a hefty price for their part in Phungula’s attack.

Masikhwa told the Safa website: “What happened in Chatsworth over the weekend was barbaric and not in the spirit of the sport. You don’t put your hand on the match official, let alone assault him/her. We will not brook lawlessness in our game and now that we have completed formulating charges against the culprits, we expect finalisation of this matter very soon.

“While this was an isolated incident in most of our ABC Motsepe League matches throughout the country, we are treating this matter with the grave nature it deserves. Incidents like this will not be tolerated at all because they tarnish the image of football in the country. We need to protect the integrity of the sport, its sponsors, fans and all of its stakeholders.”

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Read more on these topics: South African Football Association (SAFA)