
Collapsed sewer infrastructure: Criminal charges against Emfuleni mayor

The EFF intends to lay criminal charges against the Emfuleni mayor.

VANDERBIJLPARK. – The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) announced on Wednesday that it would open a criminal case against the mayor of the ANC-led Emfuleni Local Municipality, Sipho Radebe, following a collapse of the sewer infrastructure in Emfuleni, which the party says exposed residents to water laced with sewage.

According to Isaac Khitika, the EFF’s regional chairperson in Sedibeng, party representatives will be at the Vanderbijlpark Polce Station on Monday 20 May 2024 to lay the charge against Radebe.

The EFF’s Regional Chair, Isaac Khithika. Photo: Facebook

This EFF’s announcement follows a week after the civil rights group AfriForum announced that it would be filing criminal charges against the Municipal Manager of the Emfuleni Local Municipality, April Ntuli.

AfriForum insists that Ntuli be prosecuted in his personal capacity for the dumping of raw sewage into the Vaal River in this municipality.

According to the civil rights group this large-scale spillage provides, among other things, a favourable breeding ground for several invasive plant species, including water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes), the occurrence of which has increased alarmingly since the end of last year.

A statement by the EFF notifying the public that it will lay criminal charges against the Emfuleni mayor Sipho Radebe.

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