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Mbombela businesswomen learn new skills during networking session

The attendees enjoyed an informative and creative session presented by the guest speakers, Nicole Touche, the co-founder of Lunar Kitchen and Cabinets, and Huibre Venter, the owner of Touch Wood Creations.

Some local businesswomen came together to learn new skills during the South African Council for Business Women (SACBW) Nelspruit’s networking event held at Just Pink Café on Thursday March 14.

The event had various activities on the programme; there was a blend of designs done, inspirational information shared and hands-on skills developed.

Confidence Makamu, Ntombifuthi Sambo and Lynn Cuthill.

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These businesswomen and members of SACBW Nelspruit meet once a month for a breakfast networking session, and they support one another while learning new skills.

The guest speakers of the day were Nicole Touche, the co-founder of Lunar Kitchen and Cabinets, and Huibre Venter, the owner of Touch Wood Creations.

Touche shared her design expertise and business advice with the guests. She said her advice to those who want to start a business is to keep some things in mind.

“To start a business, you need a business plan and do research, analysis and marketing. It is seamless when you do proper research. You need to know how to market your business, know the logo you will use and know your budget. It is the same thing one does when designing a kitchen. To start your business, you will need experts, and you need to spend money to make money,” she said.

Huibre Venter, Tracy-Erin Duggan and Nicole Touche.

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Venter did a crafting session in which she guided the women and showed them how to do unique designs. According to her, it is important to make sure that one asks one’s clients for a deposit upfront.

“Make sure the sources you buy from are legitimate, because this is how one can quickly fall into a hole financially, and it eats up your cash flow when you cover the losses.”

Venter added that the nicest part about owning a business is watching the satisfaction on the clients’ faces.

Tracy-Erin Duggan of SACBW Nelspruit said everyone is welcome to join them. For more information, email her on nelspruit@sacbw.org.

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