Overwhelmed by festive madness? From gift woes to holiday meltdowns, this guide will help you laugh, cope, and maybe even enjoy the season.
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December madness – the time when you’re juggling holiday parties, gift shopping, work deadlines and the existential crisis of “where did the year go?” Coping with it requires a mix of strategy, humour and a strong immune system.
December is like an overachieving toddler on a sugar high – there’s no controlling it, only managing the fallout. Make a to-do list, then immediately lose it under the pile of wrapping paper. Repeat.
Why walk through a crowded mall when you can engage in the Olympic sport of “last-minute online shopping”? Just remember, delivery delays are part of the thrill. Think of it as suspenseful entertainment: will grandma get her slippers on time? Stay tuned.
Your boss wants the year-end reports, your co-workers are asking about Secret Santa and your inbox is breeding like rabbits. Pro tip: respond to every e-mail with “Let’s circle back in January.”
Cooking for 20 relatives? Remember, burnt edges are just caramelised, and store-bought pies are made with love and preservatives. If all else fails, serve wine first – people are more forgiving when tipsy.
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Uncles asking about your love life? Aunties commenting on your weight? Redirect with cheerful vagueness: “Oh, you know me, thriving in mysterious ways.”
Then, offer them cookies. Sugar works wonders.
December has a unique way of making your wallet feel like it’s auditioning for a magic act (and for my next trick, I’ll disappear).
Just remember, your presence is more important than presents. Unless it’s for your kids – in which case, good luck explaining why Santa didn’t bring the expensive gaming console.
Not in the holiday spirit? That’s okay! Just smile at the carollers, nod at the office Christmas sweater competition and mutter under your breath, “One more jingle bell, and I’m calling it quits.”
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Take breaks! Light a candle, sip on wine and remind yourself that it’s perfectly fine to say “no” to the fifth party invite. You’re not Grinchy – you’re just conserving energy for the midnight toast on New Year’s Eve.
By the time January hits, you’ll be back to pretending kale smoothies are exciting and forgetting resolutions by week three.
So, laugh through the madness, even if it’s while frantically untangling holiday lights for the 100th time.
When all else fails, channel your inner elf: “Smiling’s my favourite,” even if it’s slightly manic. Cheers to surviving December – and maybe even enjoying it?
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