
Three mysterious deaths in Ikageng and Promosa

The Ikageng police have reported that three people have died in seven days and, at this stage, the circumstances of the deaths are all unknown.

The Ikageng police have reported that three people have died in seven days and, at this stage, the circumstances of the deaths are all unknown.

According to SAPS spokesperson, Const. Kelebogile Trom, three cases of inquests have been opened. Last Tuesday, the body of a 26-year-old man was found lying on his back in a house in Mahepi Street in Promosa. “The investigating officer received a call at 06:38 on Tuesday. A family member of the deceased told the police at the time that the man would not wake up. She went to the scene and found the paramedics trying to resuscitate him and get his heart going again. Unfortunately, after 10 minutes, they declared him dead and he was transported to the mortuary,” Trom reported.
The family of a 17-year-old boy is requesting the state to perform an autopsy after the youth also died under mysterious circumstances in Ext. 11 last Wednesday. There was nothing wrong with him on the day of his death, according to Trom.
The third inquest was opened after the police received a call from Baipei in Promosa at around 08:10 last Sunday. Trom says the emergency personnel on the scene notified the police on their arrival that they had found the 25-year-old man in the shack lying on the bed facing upwards with his mouth and eyes wide open. “Both his hands were inspected and there were no visible injuries. The deceased’s aunt could not be interviewed by the police because she was still in shock,” Trom said.
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Dustin Wetdewich

I have been a journalist with the herald since 2014. In this time I have won numerous writing awards. I have branched out to sport reporting recently and enjoy the new challenge. In 2019 I was promoted to Editor of the Herald which brings another set of challenges. I am comitted to being the best version of myself.

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