Warnadoone nippers get back into action
Children as young as seven can train to become future lifeguards.

WARNADOONE Surf Livesaving Club’s nippers were back at training on January 7, in preparation for the upcoming carnival and remainder of the season.
Nipper officer Justin Fourie said the day included some fitness and event preparation.
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“We have a few carnivals (practice competitions) that occur before we close the year off in April. This Sunday is the carnival, and in March/April is the KZN and SA Champs which will take place in Durban,” he said.
Fourie said nippers is a sport that helps teach children how to navigate the ocean, compete in a safe environment and learn various skills to become lifeguards in the future.
“It is for fun and most especially for safety and awareness of the ocean. Nippers is for ages eight to 13, but the children can start as micros from age seven,” he said.
For more information, or to join, visit the club on Sunday mornings or contact Justin Fourie on 067 725 0759.
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