Categories: Local Soccer
| On 5 years ago

Mosimane comments on Sirino’s red card

By Phakaaathi Reporter

Mosimane revealed he once had a conversation with referee Victor Gomes and he described Sirino as reactive.

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“I told Gaston [Sirino] before the match, I said ‘be very careful’ because he [Victor Gomes] once told me that Gaston is reactionary,” Mosimane told SuperSportTV after the game.

“Gaston is emotional, so is Gomes. So those two together, something is going to give way and whoever has the authority will defeat the other one. I speak to him [referee], he was too quick. Speak to him [Sirino]. Either delay or whatever.

“If he was swearing of course he must take him out. But he didn’t swear, I know that. Gaston is emotional, we know that, but the referee is also emotional.

“Emotional intelligence was needed by the referee. I think he could’ve warned him,” concluded Mosimane.

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