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50 Shades of appreciation

VEREENIGING. - "What a beautiful, awesome, truly South African day. We are a very special nation and although we have our problems we are kind and compassionate people".

Yvette Wilde well known local animal activist writes:

A lady asked me how I was raising funds for 50 Shades of Spay and I had to admit that it wasn’t going too well.

It seems that every time I have that vet account paid I have another animal in the community that needs urgent vet care.

I just close my eyes and say: ”mogge troffe, f@k weet… and help”. We will ‘maak ‘n plan’ with the account.

Over the weekend I attended a market day that was organised by Linel Visser and her hubby Dries at The Braai Wagon in Vereeniging.

All I wanted was dog food to be donated as I am living from outreach to outreach with limited food sources for the animals.

I was feeling rather despondent because community support has not been great lately. So my hopes weren’t too high.

This is nobody’s fault but my own as I have not, as usual, been begging publicly. So woe on me.

I arrived at the venue and I was most impressed by the efficient organisation.

I have done enough market days to know things can be hectic early morning when everybody arrives at the same time.

Stall setup was painless and I made friends with the people around me, met up with old friends and started enjoying myself.

Linel surprised me with 10 donated bags of dogfood which came from a local supplier. The people started arriving and soon I had a mountain of dog food behind me.

Thank you to Douw’s mobile dog food (you can order by contacting him on 062 901 1960. He delivers.)

I was called to take a photo with the organisers and when I arrived the Albatross Ski Boat Club patrons had a surprise for me.

R1 500 will be paid into the vet account as per donation from them. They also donated food and blankets.

Chad Mills from the Albatross Ski Boat Club handed the donation to Yvette Wilde of 50 Shades of Spay. Photo: Elsje Vermeulen

Amanda De Villiers-Styles and her daughter Kim arrived shortly thereafter to keep me company. Thank you girls.

Vereeniging Lions also brought donated dog food and blankets for the outreach.

I came home with a car packed with goodies for the next outreach.

Thank you to my community, Linel, Braai Wagon, the awesome guys from the Albatross Ski Boat Club.

I am deeply indebted to you all. Much appreciated.

  • If you would like to learn more about 50 Shades of Spay or support Yvette in her cause, visit her Facebook page: 50 Shades of Spay
Rochelle McDonald (right) of the Lions Club with Yvette Wilde and Kim Styles (in the front) with some of the dog food donated on the day.

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Elsje Vermeulen

Elsje Vermeulen is the senior editor of MooiVaal Media and editor of the Vaalweekblad. Well-known for her award-winning photography and heartwarming stories, she always has the readers’ best interests at heart. Email: elsje@mooivaal.co.za
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