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By Simnikiwe Hlatshaneni

Freelance journalist, copywriter

Mourners arrive at Orlando Stadium for Madikizela-Mandela’s memorial

Security is tight as scores of SAPS and JMPD vehicles surround the venue.

Thousands of mourners were expected to arrive at Orlando Stadium in Soweto on Wednesday morning, ahead of the official memorial service of Winnie Madikizela-Mandela.

Tributes from her daughters, grandchildren and other close relatives were listed in the programme. Prince Madikizela, her paternal close cousin, was expected to speak on behalf of the family, and representatives of Azapo, the PAC and the ANC were scheduled to follow.

Several road closures were announced as commuters to the event were advised to convene at the Nasrec Expo Centre, where transport to the stadium would be provided. Scores of SAPS and Johannesburg Metro Police Department (JMPD) vehicles surrounded the venue, and security was tight.

Anticipated road closures included:

  • N17 traffic circle and Klipspruit Valley
  • Soweto Highway and Mooki Street
  • Sofasonke and Mooki streets
  • Adams and Masopha streets
  • Adams and Ballenden streets
  • Adams and Rathebe streets
  • Adams and Martha Louw streets
  • Adams and Mofokeng streets
  • Adams and Nkomoyahlaba streets
  • Adams and Mooki streets
  • Hlatswayo and Mogoye streets
  • Mjongwe and Mooki streets
  • Mooki and Mofokeng streets
  • Mooki and Martha Louw streets
  • Mooki Street and slipway at Orlando Court
  • Martha Louw Street and Klipspruit Valley Road
  • Nkwanca and Martha Louw streets
  • Masupa and Mooki streets



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