Editor's note

Our view: June 3, 3013 – Initiation schools

Culture is good, but it has to be done in the right manner.

It is such a worrying factor that illegal initiation schools are still operation despite the deaths that occurred.

Our view is, the lives of innocent young lives is not taken into consideration at the expense of cultural norms.

Culture is good, but it has to be done in the right manner.

This crisis went as far as putting the province in the spotlight nationally, to such an extent that even President Jacob Zuma called for a thorough investigation into the deaths of the innocent young lives.

To make matters worse, up to this stage no one has been charged for their murders yet there is clear evidence that it was negligence on the side of the initiation school owners.

We have reliably learnt that police investigations are at an advanced stage and a full report on the deaths has to be tabled. Those found guilty need to be punished.

we can also comend the actions of the department of health for keeping a close watch on their operations, but we dare not see or hear of any deaths.

In this instance, I must also commend the stern action taken by the premier on firing contractors who have failed to deliver the much-needed houses by communities across the province. in the same vein, let’s wish the new MEC for Human Settlements, mr Andries Gamede for announcing good plans that will ensure that 14 681 houses are delivered during this financial year.

it’s about time that the department is handled by a person with an iron hand, or else we will continue experiencing the same old story on non-delivery, but funds are there and eventually get scoundered.

On Thursday I attended the budget speech at Mbombela local municipality, and lo, was i gratified to witness opposition parties accepting the budget and called for unity within the municipality.

But they did warn and at the same time, advised that what has been budgeted for, must be delivered then the communities will be happy, they said. that’s a good sign that at least now we’re beginning to see that as a municipality, they can work together in order to get more deliverance of services.

Communities don’t marvel at politicians always attacking each other yet not delivering at the same time. Keep it up!

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