
‘Speaker refuses to discuss R1 billion wasteful expenditure’ says DA

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in JB Marks will report the reluctance of the Speaker to table the oversight report of the Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC) on the state of the municipality’s finances.

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in JB Marks will report the reluctance of the Speaker to table the oversight report of the Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC) on the state of the municipality’s finances.

According to Councillor Jaco Esterhuysen, this item should have been on the council agenda a long time ago as the JB Marks Municipality has nearly R1 billion that is unaccounted for due to fruitless, wasteful, irregular and unauthorised expenditure.

“The Speaker, Elias Mogeemang has now refused, for the fourth time, to discuss this serious matter in Council,” said Esterhuysen.

The R1 billion has accumulated since the 2013/2014 financial years.

MPAC is responsible for ensuring that action is taken when the people’s money is abused.

“It is general knowledge that the sound investments that the municipality had before the 2016 Local Government Elections are gone. The Speaker is protecting the ANC who have managed to collapse a once blooming municipality,” he continued.

The issue of service delivery has been a bone of contention for residents of the J.B. Marks municipality.

Sewage in the streets, potholes, a lack of maintenance, refuse and overgrown areas, unreliable water supply and a total chaotic housing list are only some of the issues that have been raised by residents.

“The people of JB Marks have the right to a transparent, accountable government who will put the people first. People had enough of corruption, cadres and incompetency. Money should be used to upgrade infrastructure in order to attract investors to grow much-needed jobs. JB Marks need Change that only a DA-led government can bring,” said Esterhuysen.

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Dustin Wetdewich

I have been a journalist with the herald since 2014. In this time I have won numerous writing awards. I have branched out to sport reporting recently and enjoy the new challenge. In 2019 I was promoted to Editor of the Herald which brings another set of challenges. I am comitted to being the best version of myself.

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